Monday, January 12, 2009

Little More Alert

Today was another busy and stressful day. After 3 weeks in the hospital her veins have decided they are not going to give anymore blood. They had to actually get blood out of an artery during the night. I did not get too much sleep mostly due to wanting to stay awake to keep eye on vitals. Her rates seemed to be good other than her breathing going down every now and then. Her breathing sounded really bad though and they thought there was an obstruction but it ended up being her holding too much carbon dioxide when she breathed. They gave her some sodium bicarbonate and that helped a lot. She became a little alert during night trying to talk but it was hard with her mouth so dry. Early this morning she was still trying to talk until they gave her the medicine to help prevent seizures and that knocked her out. The attending doctor today seemed really intent on finding the source of all her problems and is bringing in our genetic doctor to discuss the mito problem and see his thoughts. He put a central line for her meds and blood draws. They did a blood culture on her picc line in her arm to see if the infection was there. They started her on slow feeds. We pray it will work better this time and they go slower at increasing it and make sure that the tube stays in intestine rather than going back up to stomach which is what they think it did this past weekend. Earlier today they thought her heart was pumping too hard but an echo showed it was pumping normal. It pumps like the heart of a 3 year old which he said would be expected since she was about the size of a 3 year old weight wise I guess. They did the EEG to check for seizure activity. It did not show any although the seizure meds can sometimes alter it a little. The neurologist did not seem concerned though. Her brain wave signals were a little weak but that could be from her mental status right now, the seziures, the medicine, or the infection. Savannah really enjoys the visits even when she is only half alert. She remembers most of the time who has been her when she is only half alert and remembers everyone else the rest of the time. She is retaining fluid which is coming from leaking blood vessels which causes the body not know where to send all the water or something like that. I could have part of that wrong but not all of it. They said when whatever infection this is begins to clear it should go away. Please continue to pray.

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